What is hacking.

What is hacking.

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Hacker is someone who uses their technical knowledge and skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks, often with the intent of finding and exploiting vulnerabilities for various purposes, such as stealing information, causing disruptions, or gaining control over systems.

Types of hacker.

White Hat Hackers: White hat hackers are the one who is authorized or the certified hackers who work for the government and organizations by performing penetration testing and identifying loopholes in their cybersecurity.

Black Hat Hackers: They are often called Crackers. Black Hat Hackers can gain the unauthorized access of your system and destroy your vital data.They are considered to be as criminals and can be easily identified because of their malicious actions.

Gray Hat Hackers: Gray hat hackers fall somewhere in the category between white hat and black hat hackers. They are not legally authorized hackers. They work with both good and bad intentions; they can use their skills for personal gain.

Script Kiddies: They are the most dangerous people in terms of hackers. A Script kiddie is an unskilled person who uses scripts or downloads tools available for hacking provided by other hackers. They attempt to attack computer systems and networks and deface websites.

Green Hat Hackers: They are also amateurs in the world of hacking but they are bit different from script kiddies. They care about hacking and strive to become full-blown hackers.

Blue Hat Hackers: They are much like the white hat hackers; they work for companies for security testing of their software right before the product launch.

Red Hat Hackers: They are also known as the eagle-eyed hackers. Like white hat hackers, red hat hackers also aims to halt the black hat hackers. There is a major difference in the way they operate.

State/Nation Sponsored Hackers: State or Nation sponsored hackers are those who are appointed by the government to provide them cybersecurity and to gain confidential information from other countries to stay at the top or to avoid any kind of danger to the country. They are highly paid government workers.

Hacktivist: These are also called the online versions of the activists. Hacktivist is a hacker or a group of anonymous hackers who gain unauthorized access to government’s computer files and networks for further social or political ends.

Malicious Insider or Whistleblower: A malicious insider or a whistleblower could be an employee of a company or a government agency with a grudge or a strategic employee who becomes aware of any illegal activities happening within the organization and can blackmail the organization for his/her personal gain.